Weather Forecast for Sat 29 May 21
For those joining us tomorrow the weather forecast probably sees the best of the conditions in the early afternoon. The on the day X-Section that provides a more up-to-date guide for SHY will be published on the closed Messenger Ops Gp tomorrow morning.
Flying Report Sat 22 May 21
A succession of heavy showers funnelled through the Cheshire Gap were a constant interruption to what had earlier promised to be a good day.
Weather Forecast for Sat 22 May 21
For those joining us tomorrow the weather forecast looks probably sees the best of the conditions in the period 1000- 1500.

Easter Bank Holiday Monday Flying
The most was made of some fantastic Easter Monday conditions with heights to 10,000ft in Wave,
Friday 2nd April 2021 Flying Day
Our first soarable day at RAF Shawbury . It had been a long time since we enjoyed good soaring conditions, conditions that only improved as the day went on.

RAF Shawbury Gliding Club Familiarisation Evening Tue 13 Apr 21
The club will be holding a Familiarisation Evening for new members and those who think that they would like to take up the challenge of flying. If you work at RAF Shawbury or RAF Cosford read the full blog for more details.

Instructor Recency & Currency Saturday 27 March 2021
Despite mixed weather that saw an earlier than planned finish due to rain, our second instructor recency and currency flying day saw the successful completion of instructor checks in both 2 seater gliders and the motor glider.

Managing Flying Risk
How we can ensure that we fly in a safe manner as we resume operations
Pilots are always looking to catch a ride in wave. This is a brief look at where wave formations might be expected to set up around Shawbury.