Managing Flying Risk

With the upcoming return to flying there are many challenges facing us all.

I would encourage you all to have a look at the following link:

‘Managing Flying Risk’ aims to provide pilots and clubs with guidance on how to better understand, minimise and manage the hazards associated with gliding operations, including powered gliders and tug aircraft.

In particular, I would like you all to have a look at this Pilot Currency Barometer before you next attend the club following this link:

When we return to flying, you may well consider yourself fit to fly solo. The CFI and other instructors may ask you to partake in a check flight. It’s an unenviable task, advising pilots that they should undertake a check flight so please look on this as a positive and necessary process.

As CFI, I need to ensure that all our flying is carried out in a safe manner. The ‘Managing Flying Risk’ webpage contains guidance on how to reduce risk whilst undertaking our flying activities.

As your CFI I have been asked by the BGA to strongly encourage you to read the sections within the ‘Managing Flying Risk” webpage. These sections are regularly updated to reflect newly identified risks.

Any questions please feel free to contact me.

Ian Gallacher



RSGC Annual General Meeting
