Flying Report: 15 May 21

The forecast has always looked showery for yesterday, and in the end the rain didn't stop until the afternoon.

It was great to have five keen brand new members join us. The rain meant that they didn't fly but they all had a tour of our facilities and thorough briefing from Geoff Matthews. We're looking forward to seeing them again soon so that we can get them in the air.

Thanks to Terry for his recent efforts with R66's instruments, which were completed during the morning rain. Our Astir now sports an LX Zeus flight computer to assist with soaring and cross-country flying.

R66's instrument panel with its LX Zeus

R66's instrument panel with its LX Zeus

Those that were able to stay until the afternoon saw an improving view from the hangar doors, which were eventually opened at 1330.

WG bring pirouetted out of the hangar doors

Out on the airfield almost everyone had a chance to fly. It was a handsome skyscape, with a low cloudbase requiring cloud dodging on the way back down from the top of the tow. Once back below cloudbase some found tight thermals to extend their flights.

Colin Haynes descends between the clouds in R66

R22 at the end of the day

R22 at the end of the day


Weather Forecast for Sat 22 May 21


A look at the Weather Forecast for Saturday 15 May 21