Update from America

Whilst you’ve been absorbed in your elections, I’ve slowly been getting to grips with flying over here in the US.  I have flown at four different clubs Bermuda High, Crooked Creek, NCSA and New Castle but settled on Piedmont Soaring at Bahnson Field NC, a 2 hour drive from home but a great group of people with all the range of characters.

The fleet at my new club is a Pawnee tow plane, Grob Twin Astir, Super Blanik and Scheizer 1-26 single seater There are also a variety of privately owned aircraft. We operate off a grass strip and, weather permitting, the club operate every weekend and during the week by arrangement.

I am towing in the Pawnee and gliding and as Mike O will tell you the Pawnee has a bit more grunt than the Falke! Converting my license to an FAA PPL with gliding took over two months but was just a paper exercise.  However, adding IFP and instructing would require exams and flying assessments.

Most clubs in the US are aerotow only and default launch height is to 3000ft.  Cloud bases are generally about 6000ft but has been as high as 10000ft.  They occasionally get wave at Piedmont but really you need to get closer to the mountains.

I am also flying a Cessna 172 at the local airfield which is only 10 minutes away from home, with powered flying a lot cheaper than the UK.

I’m enjoying reading what you’re up to in the Blog and it was great to see you all when I last dropped in. Fantastic to see the continued success of the MEF gliding bursary scheme.

Look after KESS for me!



Flying Report Sat 13 Jul 2024


Admin Day Sat 6 Jul 24