RAF Shawbury Gliding Club

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Flying Report 29 Jul 23

After a number of flying days lost to the weather normal service was resumed today albeit in testing conditions.  Thankfully, the rain that fell as we set up the launch point soon cleared.

A strong wind and turbulence were a test for all.  It was not a day for new starters or early solo pilots with none of the latter electing to fly solo after a check flight.

It was a delight to welcome Life Member Dave Catherwood to the airfield.  Dave hung up his flying boots on the day we moved to Shawbury but still maintains an active interest by acting as the point of contact for all our visitors.  Don’t leave it too long Dave before we see you again.

Booming thermals enabled everyone to enjoy a good soaring trip.

Welcome to new member Fraser for whom the highlight from his 3 flights was a 40 minute soaring trip in the capable hands of Amelia.  Fraser is Shawbury based and we hope to see a lot more of you in the future.

It’s always nice to welcome a visitor from another flying discipline and this week we welcomed Shawbury helicopter instructor Dean.  For Dean it was his first trip in a glider and the chance to experience unpowered flight in swapping a number of noisy rotating parts going around and around and reciprocating parts going up and down all defying gravity, exchnaging all them for the graceful quiet lines of a K21.  Fantastic to see you Dean and, who knows, you might decide to take another trip.

The 243 (Tena) syndicate brought the Ventus 2CT out for an airing and it was Geoff M who went on to claim hog of the day with a flight of 1hr 31mins, although it has to be admitted that we don’t know if he fired up the iron thermal.

The final three flights of the day were devoted to aerobatics training with Laura, Richie and Amelia all taking trips under instruction from Ian Gallacher.  It was a privileged to be standing on the ground and watching them overhead work hard in going through their paces.  The highlight for us was an inverted transit across the airfield ending in what looked like an inverted stall!

A great day out and thanks to all for your hard work and thanks to Richard for cake!