It is not often that we get an opportunity to break bread together so it was super that so many club members old and new were able to gather to bid adieu to Alan and Julie as they depart for the USA on the next chapter in their lives.

As we say farewell to Alan we are only too aware of the part that he has played in ensuring the success of the club over many years and, in particular, for his leadership during the move to RAF Shawbury.

So current and ex-club members gathered to recount tales of past daring-do and close encounters with the ground.  It was also a time to recall memories – the camera never lies – as some reminded us of times past.

Les could tell a story or two (or more if you hung around for too long!)

Depended on who had put the batteries in on the day!

Never having met before but both having driven one of Avro’s finest aviation products, new (old) member #vulcanbomber and old (v old) member #shackletonMR2 discuss (v loudly) the super-facinating scale of risk associated with either dropping iron dumb bombs in a Scottish loch, or penetration of the fuselage by parts from a disintegrating contra-rotating Rolls-Royce Griffon prop! Rivetting - both aircraft and stories!!!🤣🤣

Some members made the supreme sacrifice to be there for the occasion.  Geoff M, nattily dressed in borrowed deck chair designer fabric, returned just in time from another of his alcohol fuelled booze cruises to wereva to be with us for the evening!

But, sadly, business kept Colin Haynes away. Howevs he sent best wishes from Belgium!

Fine food, wine and company made for a great and entertaining evening.

But the main event was to bid Alan a fond farewell so after the erection of a Heath Robinson screen………

…….it was time to remind Alan of his tenure with the club…...

….that was all captured in a book, of which there is a copy in the club house, and presented to Alan at the end of the evening.

Lastly, on behalf of the club, Ian presented Alan……..

……….with a sketch by a local artist of Alan and his DG400.  Whilst he is in the US, Alan is leaving the DG at Shawbury to be looked after by a club syndicate.

Good luck Alan and many thanks for all you have done to ensure the long term success and continuity of the club going forward.  You leave us on a sound footing and in safe hands.

Lastly, many thanks to Sophie for organising the evening and also ensuring that we all received the right meal, no mean feat with many of the old lads having forgotten what they had ordered, and despite Nigel (Land-out) Lassiter turning a week early up for the event! 

PS and Public Warning.  There’s a distinct threat that we may see him return in 3 years’ time!


Forecast for Sun 26 Nov 23


Flying Report Sun 19 Nov 23