Another Non-Flying Day Sun 23 Jul 25

The start of the year has seen a run of weather affected flying days.  Of the planned seven flying days to date, we have got airborne on just two.  All very frustrating.

We did have a very full flying list.  However, given the forecast, Nigel decided that it would be the perfect opportunity to weigh the tug.  For some reason or other this has to be done every 10 years.  At the mention of “wings off” the very full flying list started to thin out as the thought of another popped hernia entered the thoughts of many.

Anyway, the key instrument in all this was brought out of its 10 year retirement.

With Nigel to the fore……

……there followed a quick Committee meeting where the team digested how they might have undertaken the task 10 years ago!

Propped up, wings off, and wings back on it was all over in a flash!

Well, more like 6 hours.

If you missed this exciting event today, make a note in your diary that 2035 is your next opportunity.

Diary dates:

2 Mar 25.  BGA Women’s Advocate, Yvonne Elliott will be visiting the club and will be hosted by our women’s ambassador Laura. 

24 – 29 Mar 25.  Denbigh Exped.

National Women's Go Gliding Weekend.  The concept is that on one day during the weekend of the 26/27 April 2025 (with a fall-back weekend of 17/18 May), the club will focus on welcoming women, with the aim of helping them to discover gliding and membership of the club.  Laura is leading and ee will need normal attendance by members to help on the day please..




Non-Flying Day Sun 16 Feb 25