A New Full Cat - Flying Report Sat 1 Jun 24

The start of meteorological Summer and with 9/10th cloud and a biting northerly with next to no thermic activity, you would be forgiven for thinking that it was still Winter. 

Still, in the conditions a lot was accomplished today. For Colin it was the culmination of a lot of hard work as he took a couple of instructional trips in R46 with Regional Examiner Simon Adlard, followed by a field landing exercise in KE.

At the end of all this we are delighted to say that Colin is confirmed as our newest Full Cat.  Super work and delighted that all your preparatory work paid off Colin.

With our gliding scholarship students away on break it was nice to see Rahul on the airfield making the most of his RAFGSA Go Solo funding.  Rahul’s journey toward solo continued with Geoff M in the back seat and they managed 3 trips during the day.

Jack is working towards his Bronze C award.  After a solo flight in R35 Jack then took two trips with Ian as he consolidated his training.  Good work Jack.

We also have another BI in training and with Simon on the airfield it was too good an opportunity not to miss for John Luke as they went aloft in R22.  Welcome to Myndie visitor Alan Marshall who wanted to get in some aero-tow training.  Alan is returning for more of the same later in the month.  Conditions were not that good.  Longest flight  at 29 mins went to Geoff and Rahul who were about the only ones to catch a decent thermal.  For the rest of us, and even with Red Kite marking what lift there was, it was all hard work.

Still, if you got a tad bored you could always watch the Model Flying Club jets on the far side of the airfield making a lot of noise😍

Late afternoon and it was time to look up.  After some ground work and rehearsal……

……Laura took to the air with Ian in R22 to practice her routine for an upcoming aerobatics competition.  Great to watch from the ground and super work Laura.

Laura was also confirmed as our female ambassador. Many thanks Laura.

Next away was Ian.  He took 3 trips in which he practised his routine for next week’s RAF Cosford Air Show.  Always great to watch from the ground and a special treat for us all.

Finally, the day ended with confirmation of Chris as another BI now qualified to fly at Shawbury.  Well done Chris.

Well done to all the tuggies who persevered with a long series of high aero-tows.  

Thanks to all for your hard work today but the effort was well worth the rewards.   See you all at the Air Show.




Forecast for Sat 1 Jun 24