Flying Report Boxing Day 2023

For those lucky enough to be granted a day pass, the escape committee met at Hangar 4 at 0900. Following the run of recent bad weather it was super to be able to shake off the turkey and duff and make the most of the perfect conditions today. 

It was a day of firsts and a fantastic way to end a very productive 2023 much of which is due, in no small part, to the MEF gliding scholarship programme.  It was super, therefore, to see George sent solo today by instructor Will Dean in our MEF sponsored K21 (R35). Well done George for persevering and achieving your goal today.

Well done George.

It is really gratifying to see the number of younger members coming through the system and taking on more responsibility in the club.  Congratulations go to Matthew Cooke who, under the watchful eye of Regional Examiner Simon Adlard, was  qualified to instruct on aero-tow training today.  Next, a big well done to Toby who was signed off by Ian on tug KE today and we look forward to The Vicar commencing his aero-tow training.

Despite the great conditions there is more rain forecast to fall on already waterlogged ground and once airborne it was evident that the River Severn had  burst its banks with water levels still rising.

Ian decided to take a break from instructing and take a quick trip around the ATZ during which we gave Colin (of recent “The Carrot” fame) a quick eyeballing.

For another first today, congratulations go to John Luke on qualifying as our latest tug pilot.  It’s been hard work and well done John – now you just need to know how to find a thermal to drop us in! 🤣

Lastly, it was great to see Will complete his post-course review for instructor rating with Regional Examiner Simon Adlard.  Top job Will.

To wind up the day Ian demonstrated a slightly different approach to r’way 23 – enjoy!


Flying Report for Sunday, December 31st, 2023


Flying Report Christmas Eve 2023