Flying Report Sun 17 Nov 24 At The Mynd
Many thanks to Matthew and members of the Midland Gliding Club (The Myndies😁) for allowing us to join them for the day to blow off some of the cobwebs. The original plan had been to take our ASK21 (R35) up the Mynd but in the event Matthew decided that we could use their fleet.
Breakfast served from 0830 for those who could make it and then start to get the aircraft out from 0900, for which most of us were there, except Will who was tucking in to a Full English!.
A nice south-westerly had tempted out the para-gliders and they were active on the ridge long before we were ready for the first launch.
Myndie hangar stacking is an art form beloved by the Ex-Dear Leader (currently Swanning about in the US making a massive contribution yet again to defending Freedom and Democracy!) and puts our H4 in the realms of The Ritz!
It was a bright start to the day and the forecast was about right with a window in which to attempt to get everyone up for a trip, including new MEF bursary student Esther who had made the journey from Cosford. For some it was their 1st winch launch since moving to Shawbury…….
…….and a reminder (with a retrieve winch) of how fast a launch rate is possible.
Launching was on the south-west run using the Myndies two K21s and the K13 and with a mix of people power to keep the launch point running.
For the early launchers the viz was superb and a reminder of what a great site the Mynd have.
For solo pilots the Junior had been brought to the launch point. John Luke said that he felt very passionate about seeing one for the first time!
At about 1215 the first spots of rain was seen on canopies. Whilst it was dry at the North end of the ridge, there was light rain at the south end, increasing in intensity for the next couple of launches and killing any lift on the ridge
Sadly, before everyone had flown, time was called at 1230 and, after careful instruction in the art of hangar stacking, it was then time to repair to the Myndies café for a healthy options lunch of chips and chocolate cake! Well done to Geoff M on bringing Mike O out from his home for the day !
Again, many thanks to Matthew and friends at the Midland Gliding Club for putting up with us for the day. Let’s hope that we are able to launch at Shawbury in the near future and then return the complement with some aerotow training.