Weather for Sat 17 Jul 21
With forecast temperatures in the late 20, light wind and no shade all are reminded to take adequate precautions on Sat the airfield, both on the ground and in the air. With high pressure sitting over the top it looks likely to be a 'blue' (cloudless) day with the lack of thermal markers and cloud shadows making this type of day hot and challenging for all.
The on-the-day X-Section that provides a more up-to-date guide for SHY will be published on the closed Messenger Ops Gp tomorrow morning.
General forecast from XCWeather
Light winds all day. To learn more about likely condition on the day follow this link and click on “Get Results”
The Star Rating provides an indication of the quality of the soaring on the day. Anything over 0 is thermally active, and 3 Stars and above suggests good conditions for local soaring.
50km cross country? If you’re good enough!