Flying Report Sat 16 Oct 22

After the excitement of the past week at Denbigh, it was back to home turf and although the Wave bar sitting over the airfield did look enticing, no one actually got into it to take advantage.

Provided that they pass their exams(!) next week, this was the last flying weekend for Cosford duo Marco and Harri, before they move on to pastures new.

So whilst Harri continued his new found solo status,  we were determined to get Marco to solo standard in conditions that were near perfect.  After some eventualities training we were delighted when Nigel stepped out of the back seat and sent Marco on his own.  Huge congratulations Marco and well done for sticking at it BTW, Harri gave you “S-E-V-E-N!”.

Well done Marco

New member Weronica (known as “Ronnie”) joined us for her first gliding experience and was placed in the very capable hands of Will Dean for an introductory flight.  Welcome Ronnie and we look forward to seeing you on the airfield again soon. 

Will Dean is our latest instructor in training having just returned from Part 1 of his BGA Instructor’s Course at Hus Bos.  Later in the day he continued his education in the very capable hands of Alan Jolly.  As usual it was a delight to see you and thanks for giving up your spare time Alan.

Hopping into the back seat, Alan continued the aero-tow training of our Myndie visitor.  We enjoy our reciprocal membership arrangements, which is beneficial to both clubs, and it was great to welcome back Jared to continue his training.

It was a really busy day with barely time for a break and for some it was all too much and time for a well-earned nap.  However, we were pleased to see the Vicar drop in late in the day to hand out some divine inspiration and some much needed pastoral care at the launch point.

A short, but very busy day in which we achieved over 4 hours of flying time. 


Forecast for Sun 23 Oct 22
