Flying Report 8 Jan 23

The early birds were there early to ensure that…..

….. we maximised what flying time there was going to be in between forecast heavy showers that were always going to be a challenge.  We did make the most of what day there was; gusts and low-level turbulence ahead of the front all added to the mix.  While conditions were calm Harry, who is within a whisker of going solo, launched at 0910 in the Motor Glider to undertake eventualities training with Alan Swan; it’s another perfect role for the Motor Glider

Heavy showers then halted flying and our trainees headed to the classroom.  With Darcy G also waiting to go solo, she, Harry and new member Alex had a great Q&A session with Norm Potts on eventualities, and that continued later in the day at the launch point.

With a shortened day we left the Hangar Queen R43 behind……

…..and flying resumed at around mid-day with the priority to get our youngsters into the air.  Whilst Darcy took R35 with Nick Lewinton in the back seat, new member Alex from Cosford took R22.  Sorry for the wait Alex, but so popular have been the gliding scholarship programmes and so high has been the demand for flying that we have had to phase students through the programme as our resources will support.  It was not only Alex’s first flight but also the first sortie for newly confirmed 1/2 Cat Instructor Will Dean – don’t know who was the more nervous!

With rain constantly threatening it was decided there was little time for much more and the day ended after 10 launches at 14:40 with R35 making a rapid circuit and landing with hail stones pinging through the front vent!  Spot R35 below if you can – it’s on finals!

A great shame about the weather as both Harry and Darcy are within a check flight of going solo so we are keeping our fingers crossed for better weather next weekend.


Forecast for Sun 15 Jan 23


Forecast for Sun 8 Jan 23