Forecast for Sun 15 Jan 23

A slow moving occluded front will pass over the Midlands influencing conditions all day.  In the initially strong W wind the wind chill factor will make it feel like 1-2°C.  The wind will ease later in the day. If available, an on-the-day X-Section or SkySight image that provides a more up-to-date guide will be published on the closed Messenger Ops Gp tomorrow morning.

Sunset is at 16:24.  General forecast from XCWeather

To understand more about likely condition on the day follow this link and click on “Get Results”

The Star Rating provides an indication of the quality of the soaring on the day. Anything over 0 is thermally active, and 3 Stars and above suggests good conditions for local soaring.


Flying Report 15 Jan 23


Flying Report 8 Jan 23