RAF Shawbury Gliding Club

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Flying Report Sat 12th Aug 23

Rain Stops Play!

With great variations between the various forecast apps a group of more optimistic aviators, including another new student, assembled at RAF Shawbury hopeful that it would be a succesful days flying, especially after the dismal weather we have experiended this summer, and the early sunshine as we arrived lulled us into a false sense of security, but there were other tasks to complete before we could proceed to the airfield.

With all the aircraft placed in temporary accomodation due to the recent famililes day the first task was to recover the gliders and vehicles back to our home in Hanger 4. With a sense of acheivement at the task completed and a plan made for the day it was time to DI the aircraft and head out to the airfield with skys greying over and showers visible in the surrounding areas our hardy bunch headed out with enthusiasm that their earlier hard work would be rewarded.

Following the thrils and spills of Gallys display with our K21 on Thursday, see here for more details, Colin was back in the tug but would not be experiencing a sunny Shropshire today. With all aircraft safely to the launch point Sophie was first in for check ride with Geoff M to assess the situation from the air, those on the ground rejoiced as the ‘go’ was given to commence flying but the jubilation was to be short lived. After his reaction to observing Sophies launch, I’m pretty sure the words ‘No Way!’ were uttered next it was the turn of enthusiatic new student Tas-e-Hayne, filled with knowledge from YouTube and the internet, for his first experience of gliding in the more than capable hands of Toby, We hope you enjoyed your first flight.

With another or our early students lined up and ready to go the showers that had been lurking around the airfield arrived on top of us, when they didn’t clear and with winds increasing the decision was made to end operations and we retreated in defeat back to the hanger. Next week we go again and have everything crossed that we have better weather.