Flying Report 8th Apr 23
With what felt like deja vu there as plenty of sunshine and blue skies at Shawbury as we arrived. With many of our service students on leave and other members taking some well earned time to spend with the families over Easter it was to be a smaller number of members, along with 3 visitors from the Midland Gliding Club taking advantage of our reciprocal memebership arrangements, out on the airfield to take advantage of what was forecast to be another good day that would see 26 launches and a little over 17 hours flying time building on yesterday’s great acheivements.
As the assembled masses gathered for the breifing the vicar gave some insight into lent before he went on to organise our day like beautifully crafted service.
Fresh from a week long Joint Service Adventurous Training week Jack was first away for a check ride before putting into practice some of the skills he had been honing, more about Jack’s flights later…….
Rob, one of the Myndies, was up next and would spend the day perfecting his single seat aerotows preparing himself for the upcoming soaring season.
Then it was annual checks for Andy with Al, not sure why Al was looking so nervous, and Richard would recieve an Easter Eve blessing with Toby before a solo flight later in the day.
With the vicar safely back on the ground and enjoying one of Mrs Morrisons hot cross buns, the thermals decided to wake from their slumber a little later than yesterday but to compensate delivered climbs for our soaring pilots to well over 5000ft, one of the highlights being Geoff C sharing a thermal to the east of Shrewsbury with a paraglider!
As our other Mynd visitors, Laura and Mark, completed some aerobatic training flights with Gally several club members took advantage of the improving conditions whilst Glenn, our only MEF student, continued his training with Colin.
Hog of the day was Geoff M with 3hrs 37m whils the highlight was Jack, who completed his Silver Height, completing the trilogy for club members after yesterdays successes. Congratulations Jack!
What will Monday’s flying add to what has so far been an excellent Easter for RAF Shawbury Gliding Club?