Flying Report 10th April 23

Bank Holiday Monday and despite the amazing flying enjoyed by the club on Friday and Saturday, the forecast didn’t look promising!

First order of the day was to rig WG after her annual.

Visitors came to watch……..

Wings were laid out, fine tuning was completed, pinnies were donned and reconstruction commenced, leaving WG looking more like her usual self.

It was time for out intrepid aviators to enjoy the spoils after all their “Hangar Admin” and take to the skies. Outside the hangar, hardly a cloud in sight, but on Runway 23 it was a different story.

Despite the blustery conditions, the diehards approached the launch point with the caution and heroism of old, first up was a solo flight for Josh, conditions were sporting with showers on the horizon.

Next up was Nick, not only braving the bumpy conditions but also the front seat as Sophie once more jumped in the back of R35 for more practice towards her Basic Instructor Rating……….however the rain came in mercilessly and quickly, Nick and Sophie were trapped in R35 for 5 mins as the shower came through.

Once it let up enough for them to escape from the glider, the remainder of the shower was spent in the caravan, swatting towards further goals, swapping gliding stories of days gone by, drinking coffee and eating Cadbury’s cream eggs.

But go through it did, and blue skies once again beckoned, this time Toby bravely flying off with Will in to the wild blue yonder.

Finally, The Windsock (and Alan) called time, but all was well with the world. The Weather Gods may have tried to thwart us on this day, but we went out to fly and fly we did. A happy and productive day for all and a tenacious end to the bank holiday weekend.




Flying Report 8th Apr 23