Flying Report Sun 26 Sep 21

We awoke on Sunday morning with a tempting cross-section from the Met Office. 2-knot thermals from 1000, increasing to 3-4 knots until after 1600. Whilst it wasn’t quite as easy as the cross-section made out, there certainly was some lift around – thermic as well as the long-awaited wave lift. Those that were able to make use of the lift were rewarded with amazing views. At one point the whole fleet was in the air - an unusual sight for late September

Hog of the day went to Nick Lewinton for his 2h 24m flight in CV, getting as high as 7000ft in wave over Haughmond Hill. Whilst up there he was able to keep a close eye on Alan Swan in R43 (K18) and Norm Potts in R38 (K13) trying their best to join him from below. The learning point for next time is to stay on the tow for long enough to get above the wispy bits!

It was great to have Ivan Styles on the airfield to help out and continue his training. He and Alan Swan took a few trips to resurrect more of Ivan’s memories of how to fly from the 60s and 90s


We also had the pleasure of Liz and Simon Adlard’s company again this week. Whilst Liz diligently kept the logs and got to grips with the radio, Simon helped Colin Haynes make great progress on his Assistant Instructor training. The pre-spinning lookout provided more stunning views across the clouds and Shropshire


Flying Report Sun 3 Oct 21


Weather for Sun 26 Oct 21