RAF Shawbury Gliding Club

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RAF Shawbury Families Day Thu 11 Aug 22

The club were delighted to be asked to take part in the 2022 RAF Shawbury Families Day on a very hot August summer’s day.  Our contribution was in three parts:

·         R35, the two seat RAF Central Fund sponsored K21 on static display,

·         The BGA Glider simulator,

·         An aerobatics display by Ian Gallacher in R22, the second club K21.

Both static elements took place in Hangar 4, and with a breeze blowing through the hangar doors it was noticeable cooler then out on the airfield.

R35 provided an opportunity for visitors to get hands on and let the enthusiasm run riot.  It was also proved a popular selfie and family photo shoot opportunity.

The BGA gliding simulator proved to be very popular with long queues of young people wishing to show off their skills, and some were very good indeed.  Thanks to Paul Howard for bringing the simulator to Shawbury

First on show was CFI Ian Gallacher who we watched practice his aerobatics display that was to follow later in the day.

Alun and Will then took the brunt of the instruction on the simulator which was kept fully occupied for he rest of the day, indeed, we could have done with a second.  Club Boss Alan Swan said that the simulator had captured the imagination of all who had flown it and that it was a fantastic addition to the day.

Finally, it was time for Bill and Ben to get ready for the glider aerobatic display and featuring Geoffrey the Giraffe, fund raising for Great Ormond’s Street Hospital.  With Alan driving the tug and Ian (with Geoffrey) in the K21, they launched from Shawbury’s runway 18 at 1345.  Arriving overhead the airfield Ian then performed another peerless display despite the commentary that bore no reality to what was going on the air.  Geoff C had been press-ganged at the last minute into providing the commentary but with no idea what Ian was going to do.  Suffice to say that the commentary was later described as complete cobblers albeit delivered with the perfect diction of an upper class twit!

A grand day out – except for the commentary!!