Flying Report Sat 13 Aug 22

Like the rest of the UK it was a scorcher although we were well briefed and prepared with John Luke bringing his not unattractive Harrods gazebo from home that provided much appreciated shade, plenty of fluids out on the airfield, and everyone taking that little bit longer to get the job done.

It was a delight to welcome our new Shawbury MEF students, Adam, Brian, Gus and Leah.  We trust that you enjoyed your flying experience and we hope to see you again on the airfield soon.

Given the forecast, it was to be a day of two declared attempts at the 100km Triangle.  With the advice of the CFI,  Will and Geoff C had elected to fly a Seighford, Welshpool, Shawbury course.  Sadly if was to be a day of hit and miss.

Congratulations go to Will Dean on completion of his task in 1hr 49min, a fantastic achievement flying R66.

Highlights for Will enroute included some tasty four course in-flight catering, Rodney’s Pillar, Welshpool Airfield, his vastly expensive wedding venue, great views of Shrewsbury and his final glide.  Many congratulations on a great effort.

Meanwhile Geoff C had stuttered along and only got as far as Woodseaves before finding a rather large and convenient field in which to alight.  Having landed he was able to wave to Will as he passed overhead at 4,000ft or so enroute for Welshpool!  Then on the ground he spent the next hour or so under the shade of the wing  watching winch launching at Seighford and waving to other club gliders flying overhead to have a look. Thanks to Terry and Toby for doing the retrieve.

It's always good to welcome a Myndie (with whom we have reciprocal membership) and it was a well done to Andy Rands who completed his first ever aero-tow launches with Colin Haynes before being sent solo as the first “student” that Colin had sent solo.  Thanks go as well to Tony G for helping out again and it is much appreciated.

Given the conditions everyone got a decent trip and to some height from which there were fantastic views over a very dry countryside.  R43 was kept busy. Congratulations to Sophie who took a 1hr 20mins flight in which she achieved her Silver height. John Luke followed in R43 for a trip of 1h 43mins and reaching a height of 7,500ft.  Twenty three launches and over 15 hours of flying time; not a bad day’s effort.



RAF Shawbury Families Day Thu 11 Aug 22