Another Scrubbed Flying Day Sun 26 Jan 25
Yet another weather system rattled Hangar 4 and yet another scrubbed flying day!
Still, there was plenty of admin to keep us occupied. The bus has proved difficult to start despite the batteries being charged and Jack had a good poke around without success. There is a parasitic load somewhere in the system that is proving difficult to find. However, it does start on first turn with a jump pack.
The old lags are having difficulty handling the super heavy K21 tow bar (battering ram!) and John Luke is measuring up for a replacement fabricated in aluminium. As evident in the pics, he was more than ably assisted by #vulcanbomber
The Ex-RAFGSA Ventus 2ct, 243 is in the maintenance day for its annual. The two syndicate members have traded places with #sagalout back from yet another booze cruise and Lightning Osborn having jetted off to a former part of Empire somewhere East of Cyprus.
Laura remebered to bring her can opener out and we are pleased to report that the Tin Shed is now back in one piece, complete with tailplane in a fetching shade of blue.
Over the years the club has had a number of articles published in S&G, RAF News, the Cosford Apprentice, Aries et al. We have adorned the club room with a selection from our RSGC recent past and focussing on the achievements of our young MEF gliding bursary students, a programme that is proving very popular with students drawn from both RAF Cosford and RAF Shawbury.
Finally, we have to report that, atired in in a fetching dressing gown, the Ex-Dear Leader dialled in at lunchtime (our time) from his exile in the USA. Apparently, he misses the banter and wanted us to see his helicopter blades that he has fixed to the ceiling!.
Seems years since he last reported from the front line (Danger Close Peeps!)
Hi Peeps - An Afghan Fantasy. Week 3 of 27 Weeks. Author G Gromitt. 1st Published 2019
Thanks to #mrs #vulcanbomber for Lemon Drizzle Cake, to which Mary Bery would have given a deffo thumbs up; does help to make these non-flying days go all the much smoother.