RAF Shawbury Gliding Club

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Flying Report Sun 19 Sep 21

With bands of rain passing either side of the airfield we enjoyed a far better day than the forecast had at first suggested.  A fickle wind meant that flying started on 18, then moved to 23 before finishing on r’way 36 for the last flights of the day!

With a full flying list and the club K21 in maintenance it was great to be able to loan, following its recent starring appearance by night at Weston Park, the old R25 that was rigged at the start of the day.  R25 is now pyro equipped and the instrument panel looked most interesting – CBSIFTBEC and some more!

The new “runway active” signs made a first appearance, their stunning size catching all by surprise.  So big are they that they now have a dedicated trailer to place them out on the airfield.  Unfortunately one of the local hares can’t read.

Our latest and newest instructors were all kept fully occupied.  We always enjoy meeting friends and family and it fell to Will Dean to take Andrew Parkins, James’ father, for a BI trip.

Again we were most grateful for the assistance of instructor Nigel Lassiter from the Long Mynd who joined us for the day, his first trip being with Micky Atherton and followed by Max Thompson.

Darcy continued her training under the watchful eye of instructor and Dad Ian but we have to agree Darcy that having Dad in the back seat is just not cool, and that hat is super embarrassing, I mean you just have to trash it Darcy!

James Parkins continued his instruction in the hands of our newest instructor Nick Lewinton, this his first student since qualifying.

By the time we got to the final flights of the day, and where Colin Haynes continued his instructional training with Alan Swan, we had changed launch points for the third time.  Although this impacted on flying time, nevertheless all our students managed three flights each during the day, a day on which we thought that rain might have had a greater say in proceedings.  Well done to all and thanks for making it all happen.