Flying Report Sun 14 Nov 21

A frustrating day for those who were able to attend, with persistent morning mist that delayed the start of flying until 13:00 and the afternoon low cloud that then brought flying an early end at 15:20.  As the sun eventually broke through around mid-day we were invaded by thousands of airborne money spiders that managed to get into everyone and everything – nature is truly amazing!

The mist cleared just in time to see, in the far distance, the Anson and escorts returning to Sleap from their Remembrance Day duties……

…..and with that, our august Committee eventually gave the go ahead to commence flying at around 13:00.

One of our Go Solo students, Micky Atherton. had travelled from Valley to be with us so the delayed start was frustrating for him but we did manage to squeeze in a couple of flights with Nigel R before he had to make an early departure.

Launch heights varied with cloud base rising and falling at random.  Terry Walsh dropped off the tow in R38 at 1,000ft and returned (quickly) to a warm welcome!

Whilst some were undergoing annual checks, the last flights of the day were devoted to continuation training for Colin Haynes.  Under the capable guidance of Simon Adlard, Colin is making really good progress toward his Assistant Instructor rating.

With no wind to clear the mist it was a day of complete contrast with the testing conditions in high winds of last Sunday.


Forecast for Sun 21 Nov 21


Forecast for Sun 14 Nov 21