RSGC Spring Expedition 20 - 27 March 2022
Eagerly anticipated, each year the club make a week-long Spring Expedition in order to allow club members to take advantage of flying in different and sometimes challenging conditions, and before the start of the busy summer soaring season.
2019 Spring Exped. View of the top of Snowdon.
We aim to plan the expedition locations to be near enough to allow those club members who can’t commit for a week to join us for part of the week or even on a daily basis. Thus, in the recent past, we have planned expeditions to Llanbedr, Talgarth (Black Mountains) and Llewenni Parc (Denbigh). These expeditions also allow the Whole Force concept to be represented, with Regular, Reserve and Veteran personnel participating alongside Civil Service MOD employees.
View of the launch point at Llanbedr from our farmhouse accommodation.
After a break of two years, planning is complete for our first post-Covid Spring Expedition and this year we are look forward to flying again at Lleweni Parc where our hosts will be Denbigh Gliding. The site offers some fantastic opportunities to fly in mountain wave in the prevailing westerly winds with the site height record standing at 25,000ft.
2015 Spring Exped. Flying the ridge in the Black Mountains.
From Llewenni Parc there is also the opportunity to experience cross-country wave flying and if the wave isn’t working then there is always the chance of ridge soaring on the nearby Clwydian Range. For the more adventurous there is also easy access to the mountains of Snowdonia.
2017 Spring Exped. Flying the Barmouth Ridge
We will keep you updated and look forward to posting some great pics as the week goes by at Llewenni Parc.
2019 Spring Exped. R22 at 8,500ft in Wave over Snowdonia.