Flying Report Sat 16 Jul 22

With the bulk of our core membership deployed to support RIAT, it was left to a few hardy stalwarts to make the most of the conditions, conditions that required a liberal coating of sunscreen.  Amongst those who gathered it was nice to see Nigel Readman back on the airfield after a long absence through illness.  Nigel took a long check ride in R35 followed by a series of solo trips in WG and then finished off with an aero-tow, all designed to get him back into flying duties.  Good to see you back Nigel and delighted that you enjoyed your day out.

A big well done to Andy Hagan.  Following a check flight with Geoff M, Andy took his first flight in a single seater in R43.  Unfortunately, the ASI failed in flight and all credit to Andy in coping with that during his first flight in an unfamiliar aircraft.

Following an early morning eventualities sortie with Alan in WG, followed by a check flight in R35, congratulations go to new member Toby Jones on re-soloing.  Currently commuting from Wales, Toby is waiting to move to Ellesmere which will place him nicely on the doorstep.

It was hot on the airfield and it turned into another blue sky day with some booming thermals to 3,500ft.  

Everyone got away for a good trip albeit that under the canopy it was like being in a hot-house.  But we enjoyed another great day’s flying at RAF Shawbury with 9hr 30mins of flying time.

Finally, a Red Kite decided to pop over and join us!


Formation Loop


Forecast for Sat 16 Jul 22