The Wind That Blows Brings Wave

The last flying Sunday for some time saw a number of visitors at the club representing, Husbands Bosworth, Oxford and the Longmynd Gliding Clubs. With the OIC away on a diplomatic engagement the Duty Instructor and Pilot who have over 100 years of gliding experience got things flying, and flying they were. With strong winds giving the tug pilots a hard time. 

 With both tugs in operation the first launches of the day were away swiftly. 

The club welcomed another new member in the form of Alan an Avionics trainee from Cosford, he was soon sent off on his first flight but not before our friendly examiner Simon had checked out his instructor. Richie’s second visit to the club saw him developing well, while Harry will have to wait another day for fairer weather before he goes off on his own.  

Jack’s Sunday surprise was in the form of Norm, who tested Jack’s eventualities with a simulated cable break, nice landing Jack. It was also good to see Sophie take to the air after a break too.  

With the 100-year club running the day Darcy and Amelia brought down the average age score and Amelia baked cakes for us but no time for afternoon teas today. 

The clouds had started to form Lenticular shapes near the airfield, our overseeing CFI called for the single seater guineapig to be volun-told, “John Luke take a high tow over there “Wise words as over there was wave up to 4000ft and John-Luke was soon joined by others including the voice of a Fox! Who we believe was coming to sample the guineapig at one point. But no sooner had the wave was formed, between Shrewbury and Sleap, then it disappeared as quickly.  

With everyone suitably flown, windswept and tired, 25 launches and 9:51hrs gliding where achieved with the guineapig turning into the hog of the day with 1.26hrs 


2023 RAF Cosford Cosford Air Show


Forecast for Sun 29 Jan 23