A good week for RSGC

A good week for RSGC, we had the RAF Families Day on the 12th Aug and a day of achievements on the 14th.


RAF Shawbury Gliding Club supported the families day with an aerial display of the mighty ASK 21 R22 towed aloft by Geoffrey Matthews in RAF Keevil’s motorglider. We arrived at 09:00hrs to find our hangar boxed in, after several frantic phone calls Naithan came to our rescue and enabled us to get airside. The weather stayed good all day with the wind straight down runway 18 at 20 knts. Other display items we were privileged to see included the Typhoon, Chinook and the Red Arrows. Unfortunately the Reds only displayed Gypo with 4 Hawks as they had left a trail of unserviceable aircraft around the country, Exeter, Valley and now Shawbury.

Saturday 14th Aug started with sunshine and all was looking good, nothing like the Shawbury Cross Section, no 8 8ths cirrus and blue skies with little pops of cue at 08:30. James P offered to renew our Airfield Driving Permits, he did a great job and captured most of the membership that required his brief. New members were taking notes ready for the pose pause pounce questions James had said would take place later in his brief.

The day did not materialise into what we were thinking the day would become, we did have a great day in regards to achievements though. James converting to the mighty ASK18, William R going solo and John LP gaining his Bronze C endorsement. What an achievement for our club. None of this would not happen without all of us pulling together and working as a team. We all have a part to play in our success, be it, pushing gliders, running the log, instructing or flying the tug, everyone has a part in our success.

Thank you to Nigel and Mark C for the return of WG late in the day.


Weather for Sat 21 Aug 21


Weather for Sat 14 Aug 21