Flying Report Sat 28 May 22

As the forecast suggested the front was slow to clear and it was not until about 12:30 that the cloud began to break.  The best of the conditions, therefore, on another brilliant soaring day at Shawbury were in the afternoon.

Our pilots in training all enjoyed a great day and we have a number who are getting near to 1st solo, only fitting in their gliding around their course training preventing the continuity that they need at this stage.

It’s always reassuring and of interesting to see our instructors put through their annual checks with the CFI and today it was Geoff M who sat in the eventualities hot seat.

As the cloud began to break, first to dip a toe into the thermic waters was Will Dean who set off on an ambitious 100k triangle but only getting as far as Chirk before deciding to take a break in a handy field.  Safely landing out without damage to person of glider, many thanks goes to both a very helpful farmer on whose land Will gently alighted and to Sophie who did the retrieve honours.  Better luck next time Will.

Will was quickly followed by Alan who had initially decided to try for his 300k, looked at the conditions and decided to fly to Denbigh instead in his DG Lawnmower.  Getting as far as Llangollen before low cloud intervened, Alan was able to take an aerial view and provide a radio update of Will’s land out near Chirk, which only goes to prove that you are never far away from Alan!  Apparently, from the ground Will said that he could here Alan shouting advice.

Alan went on the claim hog of the day with a flight of just over 4 hours.

Over 16h 30m flying time on a superb day for soaring with the buzzards, red kite and seagulls all adding to the interest (or is that distraction?)


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Forecast for Sat 28 May 22