Flying Report 15 Apr 22
So whilst those on courses took some well-deserved leave, it was left to just a few club stalwarts to make the most of Bank Holiday Friday. The first task was to take the wings off WG so that we could get some essential maintenance and repairs undertaken. Many thanks to RAF Marham for making their tug available to us whilst WG is off.
A late start to flying then and with no other customers for R22 this was an opportunity to convert Liam to the K21 prior to his departure on the RAFGSA Systeron Exped. For the rest it was a trip in either single seaters R66 or EEO to try to catch a thermal which, in blustery conditions were quickly blown away. Later turned out to be better and hog of the day went to John Luke in R66 with a trip of 1h:29m reaching heights of 4,000ft.
At one stage Liam in R22 found that he was sharing a thermal with R66 and a Buzzard although there was some debate as to who was marking the thermal for who!
Meanwhile, back in Hangar 4! Will Dean has been leading a project to set up a club gliding simulator and although it is very much work in progress we got an early view today – where are the pedals, oh, and the seat?
A good start to the Bank Holiday w’end with everyone getting a soaring trip. 12 launches and 5h:45mins flying time.