Flying Report 13 May 23

With a number of instructors and tuggies away enjoying the challenge of flying in the French Alps in Sisteron, and a larger than usual number of students it, was a hectic day.  It was also sad that the forecast weather refused to turn up with an inversion at around 1800ft sitting over the airfield all day.

It was the first outing for the Club coach (as some wag christened it), the equipment having been transferred over mid-week and we can see that it will make life much more comfortable, particulalry in winter.

First away was John Luke in motor glider KE, building up his hours prior to commencing his tuggie training. 

Next week sees the 80 anniversary of the first mission by 617 Squadron (The Dam Busters).  Prior to carrying out the mission Wing Commander Guy Gibson and his squadron practised low flying at 60 ft in order to release the UpKeep 4 tonne bombs designed by Barnes Wallace.  To commemorate the souls that were lost on both sides by this mission two club members John and Richard flew to the practise dams at Derwent Dam and Lady Bower today in KE.  Richard used to fly his Wessex along the same valleys when he was an instructor at Shawbury and John will be visiting the Ruhr valley next week on an RAF organised visit

Utilising the two K21s it was a first flight for both Josh and Robin and we managed to fit in 3 trips each for our 6 MEF/go-solo students who turned up for the day….

….and on occasions taking their instructor by surprise. 

The MEF student programme is a great programme in which the final flight is a 4,000ft launch for an aerobatics sortie.  This time it was the turn of Algis to make the trip with instructor Colin Haynes.

The Vicar turned up late having been previously engaged on one of our popular Aerial Blessing sorties – see our blog of 1 Apr 23 at

He wanted some BI training experience, so we conjured up a couple of sacrificial lambs in the shape of Josh and Robin.  They both reported that it had been a rewarding and an uplifting experience.

A busy day and thanks to everyone that went the extra mile to make it such a success.


Forecast for Sat 20 May 23


Forecast for Sat 13 May 23