Flying Report Saturday 11th May 24

After the stunning display from the aurora borealis the previous night only one thing could surpass it, and that would be the skills of our intrepid aviators taking to the Shropshire skies!

With a positive looking forecast it would be a busy day on the airfield and the group assembled early ready for the morning brief.

Morning Breif

Following its return from the RAFSGA Sisteron expedition the first task of the day was rigging R22 so it be ready to be called upon if needed. They say many hands make light work but in glider rigging there is definitely a risk of too many chiefs so with Terry and Geoff safely dispatched to the works bay, Gally took control of the rest of the group and whilst some final tasks were completed, the majority headed out the launch point.

Sandwiched in between Sophie and Toby getting some practice with Geoff we welcomed our newest MEF scholar Ben to the club who would enjoy a number of flights with Colin. This was Ben’s first experience of gliding and he even managed to get in a soaring trip of 29 mins. Ben later got stuck in with the other tasks on the launchpoint, hooking up the tow cable and running the wing, as he was introduced to more of how a gliding club operates, thanks for all your help Ben.

We then welcomed Paul, Aga and Thomas for a visit to the airfield, all taking a trip to explore Shawbury and surrounding area from a new perspective. First up was Thomas who was pryed away from electronics for a his first flight in the expert hands of Sophie, who would also take Aga for her first trip in a glider whilst Paul, a repeat visitor, would enjoy a trip with Toby. We hope you all enjoyed your time with us and have a feeling it will not be the last time we see you.

If your a member of the armed forces or a cadet forces adult volunteer and want to find out what its all about then get in touch to see how you can enjoy the thrill of gliding with RAF Shawbury GC

Jack was first of the single seat jockeys to take a trip, he assured us it was massive sink and nothing to do with #mrsvulcanbombers cakes that have become a regular airfield staple was the reason for the short flight, he later went on to enjoy a nice soaring trip so maybe he was right.

Laura was next up being put through her paces with some BI checks with the CFI and, subject to completion of the paperwork, will be the latest addition to the instructor pool ready to inspire the next generation of aviators.

Whilst all this was going on we thought the gardeners had turned up to mow the grass but it turned out just to be Nick testing the engine on KESS. Nick would later take a trip of over 2 hours to take the title of Hog of the Day, beating the Mike’s trip of just over an hour with the other ‘iron thermal’ equipped glider.

John would take the concrete swan, R66, for a trip of over 90 minutes and whilst everyone enjoyed their flying we lastly welcomed Myndie Doug for some aerotow training with Colin. An experienced pilot, Doug was let loose with R46 and managed a wonderful soaring trip of 56 mins.

A warm and enjoyable day with 24 flights and a total flight time of 12 hours 10 minutes


Flying Report for Saturday, May 17th, 2024


Forecast for Sat 11 May 24