Flying Report Sat 5 Feb 22

With the forecast warning of a warm front bringing rain and gusty winds towards the end of the morning, our flying expectations had been managed and no one was too surprised when we didn’t get the gliders out. By the time everything was ready the drizzle had begun and only the bravest (or is that craziest?) pilots ventured out for sorties in the motor glider for field landing checks. The gusty and strong winds made for good practice before the club’s trip to Denbigh in March. Members are reminded that they should get in touch with Mike Osborn if they want to register their interest.

We made the best that we could of the rest of the day. Having been sent solo recently, Andy Hagan was given a thorough tutorial on performing the daily inspection (DI) on the two seater gliders by Nigel Readman. Meanwhile, Colin Haynes trained Luke Payne on useful stuff to help the daily operation of the club - parachutes, batteries, towing out and the like. It will be a great help to have these guys helping out even more following their training.

Back in the hangar, Nick and Norm led the charge with fixing the fuel tank on the red truck. The front end of R66’s trailer was cleansed of old registrations and notices from years gone by (much easier said than done), and the fittings inside the trailer were booked into Nick’s schedule for a revamp before we head to Denbigh.

Alan spent the later part of the day fettling with his new pride and joy, and seemed to have his mind on remembering our former members. First he set about fixing “de loights” on the trailer, before he turned his attention to the undercarriage…something about needing a bungee…


Forecast for Sat 12 Feb 22


Forecast for Sat 05 Feb 22