RAF Shawbury Gliding Club

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Flying Report Sat 30 Jul 22

A day of two halfs, Wet and Wetter!!

It’s very wet

So the days planning started on the Friday evening with the Duty Pilot phoning the Duty Instructor with the comment “should we bother on Saturday?” The response from our Dear Leader is not repeatable in this blog, it may make it onto our 2023 calendar no doubt. So we all dutifully met up for the morning brief in the Hangar. We were informed exactly what was expected from us and more.

Though the day turned into two halves we did achieve 17 Launches and Toby converting to our Astir R66. We also flew two British Gliding Association Voucher recipients later in the day too.

We did all get a little damp during the day apart from “Proff Norm” our Duty Pilot who flew his trip, then informed us how good he was! then said he was off to watch Ping Pong. Colin immediately stood up and volunteered himself and replaced the deserter. The thrux of the day was getting both Jack and Darcey into the swing of circuit training, both doing very well indeed.

R38 our ASK 13 has been dismantled ready for its Annual Maintenance and Airworthiness Review Certificate renewal. All our club aircraft are maintained by us, the British Gliding Association provides us with airworthiness support to us within their airworthiness system. The support ranges from strategic, for example influencing retained EU and UK regulation, through to direct advice, guidance and support to inspectors and owners maintaining aircraft in the field.

If RSGC members wish to get involved in this task please give Colin H a shout via messenger.