Flying Report 27 Aug 22

Our last scheduled Saturday flying before we switch to the Sunday flying programme and the day panned out much as forecast by RASP, dull and overcast with a hint of rain and a low cloud base way that gave way to cloud and sunny spells in the afternoon.

First away in the motor glider were Alan and Sophie for some field landing checks prior to Sophie attempting her 50k at some stage.

Whist they were away the remainder set up the airfield and with many of our instructors committed to other tasks or getting married it was a busy day with a large MEF ( see our  29 Mar 22 blog) student cohort to fly.  It’s always most encouraging to see these young service folk at the start of their career.

So it was a day to concentrate on our youngsters, some of whom are progressing extremely well and are not far off going solo.

Special mention must be made of our power lifting champ Emily.  Emily could deadlift anyone who was on the airfield yesterday and she could also hold, with arms outstretched, two full jerry cans and so it was no surprise that we asked her if she would mind refueling the tug.  Of course the old lags, who had no knowledge of Emily’s powerlifting abilities, were not slow in coming forward to assist!

Shame about the weather which was a disappointment given recent summer flying days but we did manage 21 launches and over 8 hours of flying time. 


Forecast for Mon 29 Aug 22


Forecast for Sat 27 Aug 22 (Will & Elaine get married 😊)