Flying Report 1 May 23

With our students away preparing for the coronation or with family, and some away in the French alps, only a handful of members came out to fly. It was nice to have everyone knowing what to do, a relaxing change from the usual busyness and excitement of a flying day. Even the instructors were helping to push gliders around!

After some quick fixing over the weekend (thanks Colin!) WG was back up and running. This allowed us to get everyone flown quickly, with some being aerotowed while others went off motorgliding.

In the gliders, Sophie took a few trips with Nick to make more good progress on the patter for her BI rating. The key learning point today was not to make up words! Will and Nick shared a soaring flight together, getting a reasonable 35 minutes under a tricky sky.

John and Colin each took trips out in KE, the only way to have a significant flight time today. John made more progress on the hours and launches required for his towing rating. Now over half way there, we should have another tuggie on our books before too long.

We had about 3 hours of flying time in the end - not bad considering the conditions and numbers.


Flying Report Sat 6 May 23
