RAF Shawbury Gliding Club

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Flying Report Sat 28 Aug 21

Those who were away missed a cracking day.  Our thanks go to instructor Simon Adlard who joined us for a day on loan from the Myndies.  Simon was principally there to continue Colin Hayne’s instructor tuition but without his assistance during the day we would have been short-handed.

The whole fleet out, 16 launches and over 23 hours of flying time just about says it all with congratulations going to John Pickard on achieving his 5 hours duration on his journey toward Silver.

An interesting visitor for the day was Roger Welford who brought along his ASW 27-18.  Together with a colleague in the ATC tower, they were conducting some tests into the radar conspicuity of gliders, particularly when in the turn – apparently they disappear!

As the afternoon progressed thermic activity strengthened and cloud base eventually reached 5,000ft. Geoff Matthews decided he’d take 243 over to Telford to watch the Balloon Festival (spot THE balloon).  Geoff then popped over to Cosford for old times’ sake and to check it out but nothing was happening, although Hangar 12 is still there.

Finally, well done to expectant Dad Matt Forrester who was allowed out by his partner to play for the morning - well the day!  Matt enjoyed a flight of over an hour, cunningly out of mobile phone range for the whole time!

In summary, a great day and probably the best day’s flying we have enjoyed at Shawbury this year.