Flying Report for Saturday, May 20th, 2023

As the sun started to rise over sunny Shropshire our illustrious leader confirmed his return from Sisteron, by opening hangar 4, practically before it got light. Soon the hangar was buzzing with anticipation of the days flying ahead.

The fleet was Inspected and not found wanting. Very soon every aircraft, belonging to the club was out on the hard standing in front of the hangar, ready to be towed to the 05 launch point. A briefing outlined the busy days flying and the mass tow out began.

With many objectives to be achieved and many RAF Students to train, Instructors jumped in to the back of the clubs two seaters to make a start. Geoff Matthews took on the task of bringing Connor to solo, which he did with great pleasure. Well done Connor!

There was plenty of aviating for all as the weather, albeit a little warm in the cockpit, was tempered by a cool breeze on the ground. All objectives were achieved with Aerotow training for Myndie, Doug and BI flights for Sue (who travelled all the way from Anglesey for the pleasure!) and Dirk who spent the entire day on the airfield helping out when he wasn’t flying.

Students taking advantage of MEF or Go Solo Bursaries, flew and ran the airfield. They did themselves credit for taking an active part in running the flight line, even though some were more experienced than others, this didn’t seem to hinder anyone from mucking in.

John Luke took to the skies in KE again, with his now trusty co-pilot, Richard. This weeks trip was to RAF Cranwell and back.

Private gliders were brough out. Al and Mike O took off eagerly, for a couple of hours soaring, in a perfectly blue sky.

After Connor’s success, the next first of the day was a spontaneous 50k task for Amelia. After being properly briefed by the CFI and planning her route thoroughly she set off somewhat late in the day, for Uttoxeter, closely followed on a flight app by her crew (dad James).

Mean while Andy converted to the Astir and had a satisfying local soaring trip, although a few clouds had started to appear by then. Congratulations on your conversion Andy!

Just as Sophie was about to jump in the Astir on it’s return, the call that came that Amelia had landed out at Seighford. Sophie and Gally jumped in KE and went to aerotow retrieve her.

Many thanks to Seighford for the warm reception shown to Amelia, who as always was beaming from ear to ear.

Unfortunately Amelia didn’t make the distance target this time, but kudos to her for giving it a good go. Better luck next time.

With the second highest number of launches this year, and everyone filling their boots, it was a successful and happy day (with cake). May this be one of many beautiful days to come. Here to a good summer.


Forecast for Sat 27 May 23


Forecast for Sat 20 May 23