RAF Shawbury Gliding Club

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Flying Early May BH

For those who decided to fly on Saturday, good call. Strong winds and rain on Monday brought a quick close to flying after just one launch and a reminder that not every day is flyable.

So Saturday saw us with cloud base to 4,500 ft and some booming thermals.  It was great to welcome many of our newer members and with fine weather everyone enjoyed a good soaring trip, with the average flight time of 35 mins also taking into account a number of practice launch failures.

Colin Haynes and Scott Gibbs in the K21 were quick to mark a very strong thermal and were soon joined by the K13 crewed by Alan Swan and Richie Wilebore who then went on to enjoy some spin training.

Andy Hagan in the K13 on just his 5th flight also made the most of the conditions with instructor Ian Gallacher, as shown in their video clip below. 8 - 10knts up was the order of the day.

After a some prolonged syndicate deliberation Nick Lewinton was permitted a trip in EO, seen here on the ground without its canopy.  The last time Nick flew EO it was also without its canopy but unfortunately, at the time, it was at the top of a winch launch!  Thanks for bringing it back intact this time Nick. If anyone is interested in the cost of a new canopy ask Nick!

Highlight of Saturday was supporting John Luke take his first solo aerotow launch. Congratulations John and well deserved.

Finally, we are indebted to Catherine for the additional and much needed (by a very few only!) ballast taken on before each flight. Delicious!