RAF Shawbury Gliding Club

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Flying Report 5 Dec 21

A belter of a NNW wind persisted longer than expected and consequently we didn’t get out on to the airfield until around 12:00.  With what flying time there was it was decided to give our pre-solo pilots, Harri, Marco and Kevin, the priority and the experience of flying in these conditions and, therefore, some went home whilst other worked on admin tasks in Hangar 4.

So after a DI and Positives on the K21 with John Pickard making sure that no one trapped their fingers in the moving parts…..

……..it was an opportunity for Colin Haynes to get in some ground school aero-tow briefings with our pre-solo pilots whilst we waited for the wind to abate.

As forecast there was weak Wave about and the aim, in the time available, was to try and get each pilot a trip into Wave and also to experience flying in the gusty conditions.

We were delighted to welcome visitor Michael Hunton from Cranwell who enjoyed the best trip of the day of 33mins.   We presumed that his take-off and landing were in “Cranwell –style” and the judges can’t wait to see him again soon on the airfield!

The last flight of the day went to John Pickard who clearly decided that the “Cranwell –style” launch was the way to go.

Just 5 launches accomplished in the time available and thanks to those who stuck with it out on a cold and wintry airfield.