RAF Shawbury Gliding Club

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Flying Report Sun 10 Dec 23

The forecast did not bode well and the few stalwarts who turned up for an 0900 start did so in a downpour.  Eventually, we found a forecast that showed some sort of promise and the three wise men went to look at the windsock, all three agreeing to differ after sticking a few fingers in the air.  Conditions looked marginal, particularly with rain visible over The Wekin and an upper wind strength c 40 kts.

The plan was to take out just one K21 (R22) and grab the opportunity to get anyone who wanted, a trip in between two frontal systems with the aim of getting young Ben airborne as the priority.

Launching off r’way 18 at 12:00 towards an approaching front it was evident that the ground was saturated.  A beckoning blue hole, sadly downwind and given the upper wind strength, was best avoided.

The last launch of the day was taken by Sophie but the next frontal system was already on it’s away and we called it a day at 14:00 after just 6 launches.

On the plus side, everyone who turned up got a trip.