Flying Report Sun 23 Jul 22

A stubborn High sitting over the area and 10/10ths cover saw cloud-base barely lift above The Wrekin and it was cold.  Early aero-tows reached cloud-base at 1,100 feet whilst those who flew later saw heights of only around 1,600 feet.  Not that that put off the large turn out from our younger members in training or at an early solo stage, and the arrival of a third 2 seater can’t come quickly enough if we are to meet their expectations.

The objective today, and given the light winds, was to concentrate on our pre- and early solo pilots.  So it is huge congratulations to Liam Riley on being sent solo by Alan Swan.  Liam is our fourth solo pilot in 2022 so well done Liam and you can be super-proud of your achievement.  Following a long break we were pleased to see Danny Robertson back on the airfield.  After a series of check flights with Geoff Matthews, Danny re-solo’d; good work Danny and see you again soon we hope.  Finally, Andy Hagan continued his early solo progress in the K13 and it will not be long before he takes a first solo in one of the club single seaters.

It is a long way from the 50°C temps at Bondi Beach so it was brave decision, on a bitterly cold day, to come to RAF Shawbury for our two Australian visitors, Oz1 and Oz2.  Whilst we couldn’t offer Claire Bunten (Oz1) and Ander Rodereda (Oz2) a wild ride with a bungee or winch launch, we could offer a wild ride with instructor Will Dean.  Hope that the steep turns and stalls didn’t put you guys off - come and visit us again soon.

Many thanks to instructor Alan Jolly for giving up a Sunday at home and coming along to assist us in what was a hectic flying day that continued to dusk.  We managed a total of 34 aerotow launches that including on-going training for those of our pre-solo pilots who could make it today.  With the low cloud base, all managed two or three launches each, and it will not be long until we will see another batch of solos pilots. 

Thanks to everyone for getting stuck in and making it all happen – without all your hard work we would not achieve what we have thus far at Shawbury.  Please bring some warm weather.


Forecast for Sun 30 Jan 22


Forecast for Sun 23 Jan 22