Flying Report Sat 20 Aug 22

Whilst a few morning showers blew through we commenced the day in the club house with the annual Airfield Access brief for which many thanks to James Parkins for giving up his time.

Despite the recent and also early morning rains, the airfield still looked dry and parched.  With an already sporty wind, albeit blowing straight down the strip, it was a day for the glass fleet only.

It would be reasonable to think that, with our own Shawbury based Met Office forecaster, Callista John, flying with us the elements would be tamed but it was not to be as the winds picked up in strength.  We trust that you enjoyed the flight Callista and look forward to see you on a TV weather channel on your return to the Met Office in Exeter.

Just four launches into the day and the wind proved out of limits for the tug and so we called time at 12:45, much to the disappointment of all.

The hardy team then went back to the hangar for lunch and that well know game of rigging the K13, following completion of its annual.  There were many cooks who wanted to get into this trial of strength and so the Dear Leader put on his brand new Bake-Off pinny in order to supervise events.  After much grunt the rig was complete an hour and a half later!

Here’s hoping for better weather next weekend.


Geoffrey the Giraffe is upside down
