Flying Report Sun 17 Oct 21

An early start, given the large numbers of new members and visitors who wished to fly, and it was the K13 and K21 that were in demand with just 4 flights undertaken by the single seaters during the day.  It’s always great to see young service personnel out on the airfield and were delighted to be joined by Harry, Marco, Bailey and Jay from Cosford, all there for their first flight.  Welcome to you all and we hope to see you back on another flying date. 

Keeping his finger on things, it was also good to see John (4.5 digits!) Luke back on the airfield and back in his favourite K18.


Both Liam Riley and Andy Hagan are getting near to solo and they clocked up 12 launches between as the tempo increased as they dealt with a tricky x-wind, contingencies and spinning practice.  Not long now guys.

Highlight of the day was Will Dean’s Mummy who popped along for a BI flight.  It’s always a delight to welcome friends and family and to discover, perhaps, one or two things that you didn’t previously know.  Willy hadn’t told us before that his Mum’s cooking was awful, and we didn’t know that Willy liked to be called Norman (after some childhood TV cult figure) – hey-ho, you learn something every day and a delight to meet you Judith.

The last flights of the day went to Ian and Darcy in the K21.  Ian wanted to get some shots of a can of “Inverted”, which had an inverted pic on the side, whilst the K21 was inverted – it went something like that.  It was then left to Darcy on the final flight of the day to show us all what a cross wind landing looked like.  Cracking landing Darcy and well done.


A frenetic day out on which we completed 31 launches for a total flight time of 8hrs, 57mins.  Thanks to all who worked hard to make it a success.


Weather for Sun 24 Oct 21


Weather for Sun 17 Oct 21