RAF Shawbury Gliding Club

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Flying Report Sat 31 Jul 21

We gathered under heavily overcast skies for a busy day on which, with many of our instructors away on the ISRGC, without the help of instructor Alan Jolly we would have been struggling with the numbers who wanted to fly.

We first welcomed family Ball who had travelled quite some considerable distance from Conwy to be with us.  Whilst Ester and August were under the capable guidance of Will Dean and Colin Haynes respectively, Dad Chris, a qualified RAF pilot, flew in the K13 and was reminded what the rudder was for by Alan Jolly!  Another landmark for Will Dean, our newly qualified BI, as it was his first flight with a female passenger.

Nice to see you all and we hope to see you again in the future.

With a pause before our next visitors it was time to get the home team away with the aim of getting all our pilots in training at least a couple of flights each; all our making solid progress toward their first solo flights.  However, with a heavily overcast sky and light showers interrupting flying there was little thermic activity.  Hog of the day at 48 mins went to James Pottage but there was a huge suspicion on the ground that he had been dropped off at 3,500ft out of sight behind a very large cloud!

Meanwhile Andy Hagan continued to entertain us.  After his “porpoise” landing some 2 weeks ago, this time it was with a sideways sort of “crab” landing – a first for Shawbury.

After a long absence from the airfield it was nice to welcom Mike Gagg for his first flight at Shawbury with Geoff Matthews.  Always good to see you Mike and we hope the see you again soon.

Final flights of the day went to another BI with Kalel taking a back seat in the K21.  We reckon that with a combined age of 42, Kalel and Will are probably our youngest crew – ever!   With his appetite well and truly whetted we think that Kalel may well be flying off to join his nearest Air Cadet unit.

A hectic day and thanks go to all for the hard work in making it a success.