RAF Shawbury Gliding Club

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Flying Report Sun 21 Nov 21

Despite the northerly wind and low temperature we enjoyed fantastic weather with some stunning views over the surrounding countryside.  With the sun low in the South it was even possible to pick out the Radio Telescope at Jodrell Bank.

A very busy day saw both 2 seaters and instructors fully occupied from first launch at 10:25 until the last flight that landed at dusk and we were delighted to welcome two new “firsts” today at Shawbury.  First we welcomed Kevin Carlos, our first member from the RAF world of information technology.  We look forward to seeing the first K21 digital instrument panel Kevin!

Our second “first” was our first RAF Shawbury BI “Mile High” flight.  Our visitor Helen won the flight for raising the most money in an auction night, the proceeds of which went to charities in Birmingham, Newport, and Wroxeter.  Well deserved, Helen enjoyed a flight to the magic 5,280ft AGL under the capable guidance of CFI Ian Gallacher.  Try a loop – why not?

Meanwhile our younger members in training, some of whom are very near to solo, were getting their fill of flying.  Given the numbers who have gone solo or are getting very near, we can already see that this is going to put pressure on the single-seat fleet next season.

With the sun going down fast and Jupiter shining brightly it was time to call it day, Messrs Potts and Osborn taking the last two flights.

Twenty four launches and 7 hours flying time – not a bad day’s work!