RAF Shawbury Gliding Club

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Non-Flying Report Sun 22 Sep 24

With cloud base at 600ft in the morning and then persistent rain from 1200 onward it was another flying day scrubbed – the third Sunday in a row and the The Vicar has been absent for all of them!  Such a shame as we have large cohort of MEF gliding bursary student all eager to get into the air.

So, it was a small band of brovers who gathered in Hangar 4 which, after the Battle of Britain parade rehearsals, has now been restored to normality behind the barriers. 

Ian had been asked to bring in a new batch of Training Record Cards, a seemingly quite simple task.  What could possibly go wrong!

In the absence of any flying the aim was to undertake and complete the annual inspection on tug KE before next weekend, when it is required for x-country endorsements and field landing checks.  BTW, don’t forget that Will produced a very handy guide for those who are feeling a little stressed by the whole thing!

With KE’s cockpit stripped out, Nigel announced that the first task was to take the wings off.  As if struck by lightning, for some there was an immediate flashback to days of yore…..

So out came each wing for inspection, for some reason a much easier task on KE than WG.

With as much accomplished as possible in the time available today, it’s hoped that the remainder of the annual can be completed during the week.

Thanks to all who turned up today to assist and let’s hope that we soon see an end to this run of poor weather.

Club News:

There is still time for your entry to be selected for inclusion in this year’s prestigious Club Calendar so keep on wombling about on the airfield!