RAF Shawbury Gliding Club

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Flying Report 24 Oct 21

An autumnal day with the wind on the limit, squalls blowing through and Wave, all combining to echo the X-Section.  With both glass gliders undergoing maintenance it was decided to take out only the K13, and joined by EEO.

With some members pulling out because of the forecast, the aim was to give all those pre-solo pilots who did make it a trip in the conditions, conditions that saw the downside of a weak wave bar sitting over High Key and the upside of another weak wave bar just north of the airfield.  With this in mind and the strong wind the downwind leg was achieved in seconds.

Hog of the day went to Geoff C with a trip in weak wave of almost an hour to 3,500 feet but after everyone had flown once and in an increasing wind it was decided to call it a day.

Colin and Geoff C were seen modelling the new club kit, a particular highlight of the day.  Note that names are optional except for the older folk - it helps them to recall who they are.

The early finish then made time to complete the rigging of the K21 and the derigging of the club Astir for its annual.  Thanks to all for making it such an easy task.

A shame about the early finish but all-in-all a good experience for those who have not flown in these conditions before and, as Winter approaches, a reminder of how bleak and hostile an environment the airfield can become.