RAF Shawbury Gliding Club

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Flying Report Sun 4 Sep 22

Our first scheduled Sunday flying day of the Autumn season and the forecast, which had looked increasingly gloomy during the week, actually picked up.  In spite of the odd spot of rain we managed to fly for the whole day albeit in a sporty wind with some turbulence.

Following the morning brief the club Chief Nurse and Carer, Sophie, offered to drive the pensioners out to the launch point which was much appreciated.  Sophie had also brought them cakes that they could enjoy with their lunchtime singalong.

Great to see Nick Lewinton on the airfield after an absence for his successful hip operation.  Leaving his crutches in the launch point caravan, Nick took the opportunity to take some instructor refresher training with Ian at the start of the day.

We welcomed three visitors at Shawbury today.  Whilst David and Antoine each joined us for a BI flight, Mark Wakem made the most of our reciprocal membership arrangements with the Midland Gliding Club to take some aero-tow refresher training in the capable hands of instructor Colin Haynes.  Thanks for flying with us and perhaps we will see you all on another occasion.

It was a full flying list. Our main effort at the moment is to try to get our MEF students to solo standard.  Both Marco and Harri are making excellent progress and had it not been for the wind, both might have made solo today.

With 10/10ths cloud cover at c2,000 ft for most of the day and a strong upper wind it was a case of up and down and the tug pilots were kept very busy.  Memorable air-to-air comms included:

“WG this is R22, 1,000 ft and High Key”

“WG this is R22, I say again 1,000 ft and High Key”

“R22 this is WG you’re intermittent, say again”

“WG take us to 1,000 feet and High Key”

“Roger and understood, 4,000ft and Shrewsbury

At this stage there was a discussion as to who was flying WG, the tug.  Surely, it couldn’t be deaf Terry as he was on the ground

“WG this is R22 negative, 1,000 ft and High Key”

WG, Aaah you want 1,000ft over High Key”


As Alan was in the back seat of R22 it could all have been shouted to WG and the tuggy would have heard!!

The R66 jockeys were out and about with Toby and Sophie taking the lion’s share of the launches.  Toby is building up his hours prior to commencement of his BI training and it’s good to see the younger generation making progress.

A hard day’s work for all with 29 launches and nearly 8 hours flying time.