RAF Shawbury Gliding Club

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Bank Holiday Monday Flying Report

Our last flying day in August and a short flying day earmarked primarily for those progressing their instructor training, in the process making full use of their training bursaries.  To that end the two tugs and a K21 were sufficient. 

With the Duty Auth trying to decide which weather forecast to believe, our start was delayed by both rain and also the runway sweeper that was busy on our proposed active runway.

Cloud base stuck stubbornly at around 2,000ft and in grey overcast skies with a rain shower not far away there was no lift around of which to take advantage. 

John Luke was first away, trying out his BI patter on Geoff C who went along as front seat ballast and local landmark photographer!  John is working both toward his BI rating…..

…..and his tug rating for which he is steadily building up his qualifying hours.

Meanwhile we have Toby working up the hours required for his Assistant Instructor rating together with his Motor Glider rating.  So whilst building up his gliding hours, Toby also took the opportunity to take a number of trips with Colin in the tug ahead of his Motor Glider general skills test tomorrow.  Good luck Toby and we hope to see you commence tug training soon.

With Sophie also working toward her BI rating it really is super to see so many making progress.  Thanks to everyone who mucked in to make today possible, including the qualified pilots who acted either as “pupils” or just ballast for the back seaters.