RAF Shawbury Gliding Club

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Forecast for Sun 10 Sep 23

Overcast with the odd sunny break and a chance of a shower.  Mild wind and feeling very warm and humid with max temp c30C.  If available, an on-the-day X-Section or SkySight image that provides a more up-to-date guide will be published on the closed Messenger Ops Gp tomorrow morning.

Sunset is at 19:39.  General forecast from XCWeather https://www.xcweather.co.uk/forecast/Shawbury

To understand more about likely condition on the day follow this link http://rasp.stratus.org.uk/index.php/rasp-by-turn-point?tp=SHY and click on “Get Results”

The Star Rating provides an indication of the quality of the soaring on the day. Anything over 0 is thermally active, and 3 Stars and above suggests good conditions for local soaring.